As an old brand manufacturer of anti-static raised flooring, Senmai flooring is different in performance and appearance, which can satisfy different customers' attention to product quality and variety. No matter which kind of electrostatic floor, three principles can be followed in design and production.

The principle of beauty and durability. The production of any floor must conform to the national standard, with its surface resistance between 1.0~1.0 X105 X109 Ω and body resistance X104 between 2.5~1.0 X109 Ω. The surface of each floor shall be aesthetic and anti-skid. After people's aesthetic appreciation of products becomes higher, improving the aesthetics of the raised floor can only win customers' favor. The high anti-skid ability makes the floor safer, and no accidents such as slipping will occur.
Second, the principle of environmental protection and harmlessness. When selecting raw materials for production, Senmai flooring adheres to the principle of non-toxic, harmless and radiation free, and does not use materials that are more harmful to the environment or people. In the production and manufacturing process, Senmai will not adopt processes that are not conducive to the ecological environment, and try to achieve environmental protection and energy conservation.
It is the principle of fire resistance and high temperature resistance. Senmai anti-static raised floor is mainly used in rooms and other places with more static electricity, where there will be more electrical equipment and local temperature is too high. Although the air conditioning system can be installed in the machine room and other places, in order to prevent the air conditioning system from being abnormal and unable to refrigerate, the anti-static floor will not be deformed due to high temperature and other problems, and materials with higher fire resistance rating must be used in production. Senmai flooring usually adopts first class fireproof materials to ensure that the conductivity of the product can remain unchanged at 1000 ℃.

Post time: Oct-14-2022